Our services
SiteStrat offers a range of technical services to ensure successful delivery of your land development goals. We can assist with any size or scale greenfield or brownfield site, from single dwellings to proposed large mixed use developments.
No site is too small for SiteStrat!
We provide comprehensive technical due diligence reviews for land development sites. This can be working on behalf of developers looking to acquire land, or land owners & agents looking to establish the sites potential to promote their site.
We undertake a technical review of all information available and provide a summary of items such as topography, ground conditions, utilities, existing constraints and flood risk. We also include our recommendation on the suitability of the site for development and identify potential solutions to overcome any issues highlighted.
This service assists our clients in making an initial informed assessment on the viability of a site and its associated land value.
Technical Due Diligence
Site Appraisals
We appraise sites and their development proposals for layout optimisation, feasibility and technical compliance. We identify constraints, abnormal items, risks and opportunities and any areas which require additional investigation work.
Our aim is to maximise development value for our clients, while ensuring risk is kept to a minimum and the development proposals have the ability to accord with local planning policy and regulatory requirements as the project moves forward.
This service can be carried out for clients both prior to the purchase of sites and as part of the review of existing portfolios, or a particular layout they are planning on moving forward with.
Engineering Strategies
We produce engineering strategies to assist clients in either assessing the viability and cost of land development proposals, or promoting the site through the planning process.
This includes proposed levels strategies showing initial road design levels, building FFL’s, garden/open space levels and the identification of any potential retaining wall requirements.
We utilise the latest design software to deliver a co-ordinated engineering approach, which optimises the sites modelling for highways, plot level, drainage and earthworks.
We are committed to providing robust, cost effective sustainable strategies, which accord with technical standards, planning constraints and the needs of the wider community.
Drainage & FRA's
We have considerable experience in securing and delivering cost effective, sustainable drainage solutions for development sites in accordance with current legislation and planning policy guidance.
This includes the production of initial drainage networks for both foul and surface water and the identification of proposed SUD's and attenuation measures based on the ground conditions, appropriate outfall locations and site constraints.
We support planning applications by producing robust cost effective sustainable drainage strategies and associated Flood Risk Assessments (FRA’s) where required.
Highway Reviews
We undertake highway reviews of proposed site layouts and junction arrangements to support both site acquisition and planning submissions. These services include but are not limited to the following:
Identifying suitable access locations and any associated constraints.
Reviewing highway geometry to ensure compliance with design standards and local highway authority requirements.
Assessing visibility splay requirements for proposed site layouts and junction arrangements.
Undertaking car, refuse and fire appliance vehicle swept path analysis to ensure compliance and inform the development of site layouts and refuse strategies.
Earthworks Assessments
We provide earthworks assessments based on proposed site layouts, levels strategies and anticipated construction formations.
This includes bulk earthworks analysis utilising the latest design software to produce isophacyte drawings highlighting cut and fill areas. An approximate volume of material is then identified that either needs to be taken off site, or imported as fill material. This service can be key in assisting our clients with cost analysis at an early stage in the site identification process.
We can also help quantify potential construction arisings likely to be generated from items such as drainage, foundations and utilities.